Basil- Herb That Protects DNA, Prevents Diabetes, Cleans Bloodstream, Destroys Cholesterol & Improves Vision

Basil- Herb That Protects DNA, Prevents Diabetes, Cleans Bloodstream, Destroys Cholesterol & Improves Vision

Basil is known as the king of herbs. Basil is an excellent source of a variety of key nutrients, including vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron. The chemical compounds present in basil leaves and flowers have disease preventing properties. They are not only delicious but offer the body a variety of health benefits, including the prevention of certain cancers and cholesterol problems.

Great Uses And Benefits Of Basil Leaf Herb

Kidney Stones

Basil can be used to strengthen your kidneys. In cases of stones in your kidney, the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey and taken daily for 6 months will expel them through the urinary tract.

Fight Viruses and Infections

Basil essential oils have been found to exhibit anti-microbial activity against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts, molds and viruses. This means you can add protection against the candida virus and various forms of skin irritations to the long list of proven benefits of basil.


Basil is a good headache remedy. Boil leaves in half a quart of water, cooking until half the liquid remains. Take a couple of teaspoons an hour with water to relieve your pain and swelling. You can also make a paste of basil leaves pounded with sandalwood to apply to your forehead to relieve headache and provide coolness in general.

DNA Protection

Basil leaves come complete with an array of antioxidants and other wonderful phytonutrients. Some of these phytonutrients, orientin and vicenin, which are in the flavonoid family, have been found to “protect cell structures as well as chromosomes from radiation and oxygen-based damage.” – whfoods

Protects heart and blood vessels

This plant is high in vitamin B6 and magnesium. Magnesium prevents heart attacks and strengthens the cardiovascular system. B6 prevents the accumulation of harmful ingredients, like homocysteine. Moreover, it lowers the risk of arrhythmia and provides relaxation of the muscles.

Prevent Diabetes

Basil extracts reduce sugars as well as free radicals in your body. Studies were conducted regarding how basil extracts affect your glycemic index, which concluded that it may have the possibility to inhibit diabetes.

Boost Immune System

Eating fresh basil leaves regularly will give your immune system a boost. Studies show that the various chemical compounds in basil may improve the body’s production of infection-fighting antibodies by up to 20 percent. For best results, use fresh basil rather than dried versions.


Basil contains antioxidants that will fight off the wrinkles that can be caused by free radicals and it is also said to tighten and the firm up the skin, making it look more youthful and fresh.

Improves Vision

Just 100 grams of fresh basil leaves provide the recommended daily dose of vitamin A. Vitamin A has antioxidant properties and is essential for healthy vision. Fresh basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night-blindness, which is commonly caused by Vitamin A deficiency. For sore eyes, put two drops of black basil juice into the affected eye daily before going to bed.