Salad Booster Recipe – 101 Cookbooks

Salad Booster Recipe
Salad Booster

I often carry a small vial of this spiced kale and nori medley in my purse, refilling it every few days. I got the idea years back when I saw the words “salad booster” on a jar in the spice section of one of the natural foods stores I frequent. The seasoning was a blend of a few types of seaweed, sprouted seeds, and the like. Nutrient-dense and delicious, you’d use it as a healthful seasoning for salad, vegetables, stir-fries – whatever you like. The idea stuck with me and I started making my own, usually using a toasted nori and kale base. From there I’d add nuts and/or seeds, and whatever spices I was craving at the time. I’ll include my base recipe down below, but really, think of it as a jumping off point.

Salad BoosterSalad BoosterSalad Booster

I’m going to encourage you to embrace this seasoning enthusiastically. You don’t want to skimp. A pinch isn’t really the spirit, really go for it. I use a couple teaspoons on a rice bowl, same goes for a good-sized salad or stir-fry. Also, it’s a nice little treat to hand off to friends 🙂
