Teens low in omega-3’s may feel anxious | MNN – Mother Nature Network

Does you teen’s diet include lots of omega-3 fatty acids? If not, it may be contributing to her anxiety. What’s worse, new research has found that the effect is cumulative over generations. So if your diet was lacking in omega-3’s it may affect your teen as well.

“We found that this dietary deficiency can compromise the behavioral health of adolescents, not only because their diet is deficient but because their parents’ diet was deficient as well,” said Bita Moghaddam, professor of neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh and a lead author of the study.

So where are omega-3’s found – and how can you be sure that your teen is eating enough? Fish such as herring, anchovies, mackerel, salmon, and tuna are good sources of omega-3’s. As are walnuts, kidney beans, pinto beans, spinach, chia seeds, broccoli, and cauliflower.

There’s not much you can do to change the food you ate as a teenager, but that doesn’t mean they can blame you for their bad moods forever. Teens can still amp up the omega-3’s in their own diet to help reduce symptoms of anxiety.