Kitchen garden harvest: A history of pickling at home | MNN – Mother Nature Network

When most people think of home pickling today, they think of cucumber pickles sealed in a jar with vinegar. However, that is only one of two general methods of pickling: Lacto-fermentation and vinegar pickling. Both methods rely on an acidic environment for preservation, the former producing lactic acid and the latter employing acetic acid, and both can be used to pickle almost any food.

Both methods, or variations on them, have been used for thousands of years by individuals and industry to preserve the bounty of productive times for the dearth of winter or famine, or to transport food long distances. While for much of human history food preservation was a necessary means of survival, it has also developed into an art form in many cultures.

Pickling through lacto-fermentation

Pickling through lacto-fermentation is one of the most ancient and practical methods of food preservation. It enhances the nutritive value of vegetables and creates new flavor sensations. Most cultures have their own lacto-fermentation traditions practiced at home, knowledge of which is passed from generation to generation. For example, Koreans have kimchi, Germans have sauerkraut, and Salvadorans have curtido. Classic kosher dills are made through lacto-fermentation.

Some more exotic takes on lacto-fermentation are nuka bran pickling (nukazuke) and sake lees pickling in Japan. Each household often has its own living “nuka pot,” which is sometimes passed down from generation to generation, not unlike yeast strains for bread or beer making in other countries. For many Japanese, the taste of a nukazuke pickle is quite nostalgic.

Vinegar pickling

Vinegar was used for food preservation at least as far back as Roman times. It was used to preserve everything from eggs to vegetables to raw meat and whole bird carcasses. Again, remember, this was all a practical matter before the era of refrigeration and vacuum packing.

Vinegar pickling took a huge conceptual leap forward in the 19th century after the work of Nicolas Appert, a french chef and food innovator, and Louis Pasteur, after whom the eponymous process “pasteurization” was named.

Appert developed methods for sterilizing and hermetically sealing food in jars, which gave birth to the modern canning industry. Pasteur provided the science behind the process. Along with these innovations, Kilner and Mason jars were introduced in the mid-19th century. With their screw-on lids and wax or rubber seals, they provided an airtight seal that allowed for easier home canning, and thus easier home pickling.

Pickling in the U.S.

Home pickling was just part of day-to-day life for most Americans until the beginning of the 20th century, when the food system started industrializing. Home pickling became widespread again during WWII when 40 percent of commercial pickling operations were commandeered by the government for the war. So-called “Victory Gardens,” or home vegetable gardens, were promoted as a patriotic way to support the troops and war effort. Home canning and food preservation went hand-in-hand with growing food at home.

After the war ended and the food system in the U.S. fully industrialized in the 1950s and ’60s, these traditional home pickling methods were largely abandoned for industrial fare. The traditions did receive a renaissance among back-to-landers in the 1960s and ’70s, and of course many ethnic enclaves in the U.S. remained strongholds of traditional pickling methods. It continue to this day, especially among recent immigrants.

The future of home pickling

Home pickling and interest in traditional food preservation is experiencing another renaissance today as evidenced by the success of publications like “Wild Fermentation” by Sandor Katz and “The Joy of Pickling” by Linda Ziedrich. Gourmet pickle shops are sprouting up all across the country, from Cultured Pickle Shop in Berkeley, Calif., to Suddenly Sauer in Detroit, Mich., to Brooklyn Brine in New York.

Home pickling is one of those hobbies that people love to share. You can find home picklers selling their goods at underground markets across the country and on websites like As more people become wary of an industrial food system progressively saturated with chemicals and genetically modified organisms, it will be no surprise if interest in home pickling continues to grow.

How to Save Money On Organic Food | Garden Guides


Organic food is healthy, yet very expensive. If you’re trying to incorporate more fresh food into your life, however, you don’t need to break the bank to do so. In fact, just a little planning and some dedication can go a long way to finding clean healthy organic food.

Step 1

Choose some basics. While it would be great if you could buy everything organic, it may make more sense to start with just a few groceries. According to the FDA, the 12 fruits and vegetables more contaminated by pesticides are pears, peaches, strawberries, broccoli, celery, cherries, apples, spinach, bell peppers, nectarines, grapes (and raisins), corn.

Step 2

Walk around your neighborhood. Look for health food stores and Asian markets selling organic produce. Bring a small notebook with you to write down prices at different locations and then make a list featuring the best items to buy at each place. Many of these places have special discount membership cards that help you save further, or they may publish a store magazine with coupons or specials.

Step 3

Shop at farmer’s markets. If you live in a big city, you probably have weekend markets set up somewhere near where you can buy everything from fruits and vegetables to organic honey, jam and even bread. For even bigger discounts, shop late in the evening, where vendors usually lower their prices significantly (it’s better for them to sell at any price than to have to pack up everything and take it home again).

Step 4

Shop in season. Organic strawberries will be cheaper in summer than in winter, where they have to be flown in from another state or country. Availability can even change from one week to the next, so make sure you plan meals that are flexible and can be adapted depending on what’s on sale.

Step 5

Join a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program. By buying shares, you are supporting local farms, but you are also entitled to some great benefits, including a weekly crate of fruits or vegetables (depending on which program you choose). Shares are not necessarily cheap (the cost can be several hundred dollars) but you are ensured a healthy portion of organic produce all year long.

[categories Food]

Broiled Tofu with Miso Glaze and Asparagus | Serious Eats : Recipes


[Photograph: Nick Kindelsperger]

Broiled Tofu with Miso Glaze and Asparagus


  • 4 tablespoons white miso (or Korean miso)
  • 2 tablespoons gochujang (Korean red pepper paste)
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons fresh grated ginger
  • 2 medium garlic cloves, minced (about 2 teaspoons)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 (19-ounce) package of firm tofu, drained
  • 1 tablespoon canola
  • 1 bunch asparagus, tough ends trimmed
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds


  1. Heat miso, gochujang, apple cider vinegar, honey, ginger, garlic, and water in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir occasionally and cook until mixture reduces to a thick glaze, 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Meanwhile, dry tofu, wrap in paper towels, and weigh down with a plate. After 10 minutes, discard paper towels, cut tofu into 2-inch by 1-inch pieces. Toss with canola oil on a foil lined baking sheet.
  3. Arrange top oven rack to 6 inches below the heating element and preheat broiler to high. Set the baking sheet under the broiler and cook until tofu pieces are lightly browned on top, 3 to 4 minutes. Flip the pieces and brown lightly on the other side, another 3 to 4 minutes. Remove baking sheet from the oven.
  4. Brush the tofu pieces on both sides with the miso glaze. Set back underneath the broiler and cook until glaze has browned, 2 to 3 minutes a side.
  5. Add asparagus to the boiling water and cook until bright green and tender, about 3 minutes. Drain asparagus.
  6. Divide the tofu and asparagus between four plates. Drizzle any extra of the glaze over the asparagus. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve.


With The Grain from NY Times


Grains bring different characters to different seasons. When it’s cold, they’re mostly porridge, or beds for stews and stir-fries. But as spring turns to summer, it’s time to think about grains in salads. And these salads make for a terrific transition to the time, which will be here soon enough, when you wish you didn’t have to use the stove at all.

Grain salad is more of a concept than a “dish” — there are virtually infinite variations. But the current season could not be more ideal, replete with late-spring and early-summer vegetables that require only chopping, slicing or grating. All that you’ll need to cook are the grains, which neither demand very much of your attention nor heat up very much of your kitchen.

I typically opt for heartier grains that retain a chewy texture when cooked, like farro, brown or wild rice, pearled barley, wheat berries, bulgur or steel-cut oats. For grains with a bit more tenderness, quinoa, couscous and white rice are all excellent options.

The method I use to cook almost every grain — bulgur, couscous and wild rice are exceptions — is simple: Put 2 cups of the grain in a small to medium saucepan with a large pinch of salt and water to cover by about an inch. Bring it to a boil, then adjust the heat so that the mixture bubbles gently. Cook, stirring occasionally and adding boiling water if necessary to keep the grains covered; when they’re tender, they’re done. Depending on the grain you’ve chosen, this could take anywhere from 15 minutes (pearled barley) to an hour (wheat berries). If there is water remaining in the pot when you’re done, strain it. Remember that even after you toss the salad, the warm grains will continue to cook, so err slightly on the side of undercooking. Overcooked grains become gummy.

While the grains are cooking, whisk together any vinaigrette you like in the bottom of a large bowl, then prepare whatever veggies and flavorings you’re using, and toss them all together. Leftover grains work fine here, though it’s nice to toss the salad while the grains are still warm, so that they soak in the vinaigrette and intensify the flavor of the other ingredients. Warm food is good at this alchemy, and there’s time remaining to take advantage before it gets too hot.


The Assembly: Combine about 2 cups cooked grains from above with 1 cup raw vegetables, fruit or both and flavorful accents. Toss with a vinaigrette, and serve warm or at room temperature. Serves 4.

The Dressing: Basic vinaigrette of 3 parts olive oil, 1 part lemon juice, plus salt and pepper.


Oprah Winfrey’s farm growing large in Hawaii | MNN – Mother Nature Network

After hinting last year through trademark applications that she was finally getting serious about venturing into the world of organic agriculture, Oprah Winfrey has given the world a peek at her farm in Hawaii — and the renewed joy she’s found by growing her own food.

“When I bought this property several years ago, I knew it had been farmland in the past, but I didn’t seriously imagine continuing that tradition,” she writes on her blog. “Then one day my friend Bob Greene said, ‘What if we give back to the land — and find a way to give back to Maui?’ His point was that about 90 percent of the food on the island is flown or shipped in from outside, which makes it very expensive to buy — not to mention the carbon footprint involved in getting it here. We realized if we could grow delicious food ourselves, we could share it.”

Winfrey designated 16 acres for a variety of vegetables like kale, tomatoes, potatoes and much more. Working with a local resource management group called Bio-Logical Capital, the 59-year-old also set aside one acre in the shape of a half-moon containing more than 100 species of fruits, vegetables and herbs. While one reason for this arrangement was to assess what might grow best, the other was to improve the diversity of crops — which can improve the soil and nutrient quality of the vegetables themselves.

“Here on Maui, our soil is now so good and so rich that we’re already producing 145 pounds of food each week,” she writes. “And everything grows five times as big as you’d expect. We can grow tomatoes all year long, and they taste like real tomatoes. We’re still figuring out the best way to make use of our bounty, but for now I walk down the road with bags of lettuce, going, ‘Hi, would you like some lettuce?’ I grew it! I feel like I can’t waste it.”

In a video posted to People, Bob Greene says that while they love giving the produce away “that’s going to change — we’ll start to sell it very soon.”

Oprah's farm in Hawaii

In trademark applications filed last year for names like “Oprah’s Organics,” “Oprah’s Harvest” and “Oprah’s Farm,” potential products from an Oprah agricultural empire include salad dressings, sauces, soups, dips, frozen vegetables and beverages. Bath and body products would cover soaps, sunscreen, massage oils, hair products and other personal care items.

And while she certainly owns enough land to scale up the production (it’s estimated she owns hundreds of acres on Maui alone), it’s unclear when or if this farming enterprise will ever expand beyond the local roadside stand or farmers market. Nevertheless, as reported in the Maui News, some established farmers have already expressed worry that Winfrey’s entry into the business could threaten their own livelihoods due to her fame and fortune.

“Some local farmers wondered about how they could survive in a market with Winfrey and her large financial holdings, while others worried about how her farm on Maui could drive up land prices and prevent small farmers from buying more land to expand,” the article shared.

Greene, however, says local farmers may find Oprah to be an asset, bringing attention to organic farming and boosting Maui’s agriculture industry. “The last thing she wants to do is put pressure on a business struggling,” he said. “We want more of these farms to thrive.”


The Best Superfoods, from A to Z | Greatist

Fruits, and veggies, and whole grains, oh my! Beyond the grocery store shelves lined with less-than-healthy processed foods in brightly-colored packaging, there are still hundreds of healthy options waiting to be picked up and put in your shopping cart. (Many come in vibrant natural packaging!) They span every food group, from fruits and veggies to grains, dairy, and healthy fats! Here are 26 of our favorites, one for each letter of the alphabet, along with what makes them so super. (Plus a few healthy recipes to help you get super with some superfoods in the kitchen.)Superfoods A-to-Z


If you’ve spent even a few minutes on Greatist, it’s no secret we’re huge fans of avocados. (There’s even an avocado-shaped piñata in our office!) There’s good reason, too: Avocados are a great source of monounsaturated fat (which can improve cholesterol levels, decrease risk of heart disease, and benefit brain function), vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant), and vitamin B6 (which promotes healthy skin and serves as a back-up fuel) [1] [2]. Plus, they’re just darn delicious (kale salad with avocado and grapefruit, anyone?). Just remember not to overdo it — this fruit is pretty heavy and high in calories, it’s probably best to consume no more than about half a fruit per day.
Try It Now: Dark Chocolate Avocado Cookies
Other A Superfoods: almonds, asparagus, apples


It’s hard to beat beets. First off, let’s talk about that color: Beets are high in betalain, an antioxidant that gives them that purple hue and may help ward off cancer and other degenerative diseases [3]. Vitmains A, B, and C offer additional benefits ranging from bolstering the immune system to helping the body produce collagen [4]. A healthy dose of potassium, which is essential for proper organ function, and fiber, which keeps the digestive tract regular and helps maintain heart health, help round out beets’ nutrition profile.
Try It Now: Spinach-Citrus Salad with Roasted Beets and Almond Vinaigrette
Other B Superfoods: broccoli, blueberries, bananas, beans


These little seeds may have gained fame as the base of the 90s chia pet craze, but they offer oh so much more as a superfood. Chia seeds are packed with magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium. Plus, they’re perfect for adding to smoothies, yogurt, and pudding. The little seeds can absorb up to 10 times their weight in water, which some studies suggest can help the body stay hydrated longer and may improve overall endurance [5].
Try It Now: Pumpkin Chia Seed Pudding
Other C Superfoods: cantaloupe, cherries, cinnamon, cauliflower, cranberries, cabbage

Dates are great for a few reasons. First off, they’re a perfect healthy recipe substitution for both sugar and/or butter in baking. They’re also packed with fiber (which is essential for good heart and digestive health) and vitamins and minerals including potassium, selenium, copper, and magnesium [6].

Try It Now: Fruit and Nut Bars
Other D Superfoods: dill, dandelion greens


Eggs are one of the best superfoods because you get a good serving of protein in an inexpensive little package. Just 70 calories and 6 grams of protein, eggs are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help with proper body function and heart health. They’re good for the eyes, too: The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin (found in the yolks) help protect the eyes from light and free radicals (and may even help prevent eye degeneration that can present with age) [7]. And while there’s been much debate about the health of those lil’ yellow centers (some say their cholesterol content is bad news bears), the yolks are full of choline, a B vitamin essential for proper brain function [8] [9].
Try It Now: Brussels Sprout and Egg Scramble

Besides their crazy-high fiber content, research suggests the omega-3s in these seeds can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease [10] [11]. It is important to note that the positive effects of flaxseed on cholesterol have been shown to be temporary, meaning they can wear off if regular (daily) consumption stops [12]. Add the seeds (whole or ground) to baked goods, oatmeal, or a salad, and skip the flax oil, which may not have the same awesome cholesterol-regulating powers [13].

Try It Now: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies with Flax

Vitamins C and K, beta-carotene, and resveratrol are the health-benefit stars of this favorite super-fruit. These vitamins act as antioxidants in the body to help eliminate free radicals that can cause cellular damage [14][15]. Resveratrol has made headlines for its potential to lower LDL cholesterol, help inhibit cancer cell growth, and treat cognitive impairment [16][17].

Try It Now: Grape and Ginger Glazed Chicken
Other G Superfoods: goji berries, guava, green tea, Greek yogurt, garlic, ginger


The biggest benefit here comes from essential fatty acids and protein. Those fatty acids (including polyunsaturated fats and omega-3s) may help fight coronary heart disease, cancer, and even symptoms of depression [18]. These little seeds aren’t lacking in vitamin and minerals, either — they’re high in magnesium, zinc, and iron. Gamma linolenic acid (aka GLA, also found in breast milk) also makes an appearance, adding a variety of benefits ranging from allergy defense, to helping treat attention deficit disorder, and even helping lower cholesterol levels [19].
Try It Now: Chia, Hemp, and Buckwheat Breakfast Pudding

Inca Berries

(aka cape gooseberries or, ground cherries, or husk cherries)
Here’s yet another superfood native to South America (along with goji berries and quinoa, to name a few!). Incan berries are packed with vitamins C and A, iron, niacin, and phosphorous. They’re also high in protein (especially for a berry!) and fiber. When eaten, they start off with a sweet flavor and finish with a bit of a sour twist.
Try It Now: Husk Cherries with Goat Cheese on Toast
Other I Superfoods: ice water

Jalapeño Peppers

Jalapeños are packed with capsaicin, a compound found in spicy peppers that’s credited with speeding up metabolism and suppressing appetite [20] This magical compound also increases fat oxidation (so the body can more easily use fat as fuel) [21].
Try It Now: Healthier Jalapeño Popper Chip Dip


Aside from containing a superhuman amount of vitamin C (243 percent of the daily recommended amount in just two fruits), kiwi is a fantastic source of folate, which is essential for overall cell health. Some studies suggest it may even reduce the risk of heart disease and colon cancer [22].
Try It Now: Greek Yogurt and Kiwi Parfait
Other K Superfoods: kale


It’s no secret that citrus fruits — like the mighty lemon — are packed with vitamin C, which is essential for the body to produce collagen (which helps keep blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bones healthy and strong. Plus, they’re filled with the antioxidants known as flavonoids, which may help reduce risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, and fight some cancers [23] [24]. (Citrus fruit and pancreatic cancer risk: a quantitative systematic review. Bae J.M., Lee E.J., Guyatt G. Department of Preventative Medicine, Cheju National University College of Medicine, Jeju, Jejudo, Korea. Pancreas, 2009 Mar; 38(2):168-74.)). To get the biggest benefits from these sour sweeties, pair with foods high in iron (like leafy greens and red meat): Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, too!
Try It Now: Healthier Lemon Artichoke Dip
Other L Superfoods: lentils, leeks


Believe it or not, it’s the chocolate version of this cafeteria treat that’s touts some serious post-workout health benefits. Studies suggest that this delicious drink provides the optimal ratio of carbohydrates and protein for gym-goers to consume post-exercise. The research suggest that a chocolate milk fix could help improve performance, make for quicker exercise adaptation, and lead to better body composition [25].
Try It Now: Healthier Chocolate-Blueberry Smoothie


Mixed Nuts

Giant bags of assorted nuts have been known to appear at the Greatist office regularly — and not just because they’re irresistibly delicious. The unsaturated fats in nuts are good for your heart, and some types (looking at you, almonds) can help lower blood pressure and body fat (when combined with a low-calorie diet) [26]. Nuts are also a good source of protein, making them perfect for a healthy midday snack to keep you full longer. While they can be a bit high in calories, they’re also nutrient-dense, meaning that you get a big nutritional bang for your calorie buck!
Try It Now: Fruit and Nut Bars


By now, the whole “whole-grains” thing is burned into all of our brains, right? Good news: Oatmeal, that unassuming, easy, delicious breakfast staple is a great source of whole grains. It’s that “whole” part that makes oatmeal a great source of fiber, which has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol, aid in digestion, and improve metabolism [27]. While those instant oatmeal packets are certainly convenient, we recommend making your own at home to cut out any unnecessary sugar or additives (and so you can customize to your liking).
Try It Now: Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal


This superfood goes way beyond the standard pie — you can enjoy its health benefits in oatmeal (see recipe above), roasted and served in a salad, or in baked goods. The orange flesh of these Fall favorites is rich in antioxidants and vitamins including beta-carotene (essential for eye health), fiber, and vitamin K (which may reduce risk for some types of cancer) [28] [29]. But don’t stop with the actual meaty part of this gourd — the seeds are healthy, too. One ounce (about 140 seeds) is packed with protein, magnesium, zinc, and potassium, and studies suggest pumpkin seeds could help prevent enlargement of the prostate gland, lower the risk of bladder stones, and help prevent depression [30] [31] [32] [33].
Try It Now: Pumpkin Chia Seed Pudding
Other P Superfoods: pineapple, pomegranate, pistachios


It may look like rice or couscous, but this mildly nutty, grain-like staple is actually a seed related to green leafy vegetables like kale and Swiss chard. Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wa) is one of the only grains or seeds that provide the nine essential amino acids our bodies can’t produce themselves [34].
Try It Now: Quinoa Apple Cake

These peppery, crunchy little beauties come in a few varieties, from white (also called daikon), to red, to (wait for it) watermelon! Some studies suggest certain compounds in radishes may be able to help stop the growth of some cancers (including breast cancer) [35]. More research suggests another compound found in radishes, anthocyanins (also found in cherries), may help prevent some cancers and even aid in muscle recovery after a tough workout (though this research is based on anthocyanins in cherries, not radishes) [36] [37].

Try It Now: Fresh Snap Pea and Radish Salad


There’s nothing fishy about the health benefits of this seafaring superfood. Salmon is full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which studies suggest can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease [38]. Those trusty Omega-3s may also help protect skin from UV-induced damage [39].
Try It Now: Baked Salmon with Avocado-Dill Yogurt
Other S Superfoods: spinach, strawberries


Tea is undoubtedly one of the go-to beverages in the Greatist office, and it’s this ancient tonic’s health benefits that keep us steeping more and more! From boosting endurance to reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues and (potentially) a bunch of cancers (including breast, colon, skin, and lung, to name a few), tea leaves are a great way to stay hydrated and healthy at the same time. Plus, some research suggests green tea could help prevent some types of skin cancer, while black tea may help cure those annoying sunburns [40].
Try It Now: Green-Tea Oatmeal
Other T Superfoods: turmeric

Ugli Fruit
(aka Tangelo)

These ugly Uglis are actually a type of tangelo from Jamaica. And, well, we’ll leave it to you to guess how it got it’s name. This citrus fruit is a cross between a grapefruit, Seville orange, and tangerine — sort of like a tangelo, but bumpier and more lopsided. One fruit contains about 140 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin C and about 90 calories. (Photo: Betty B)
Try It Now: Ugli Fruit Smoothie


Good news: you can’t really go wrong with vegetables. Regardless of the variety you choose, they’re going to have at least a handful of redeeming qualities, from high levels of vitamins and minerals to a good dose of fiber. Green veggies are a great source of iron and calcium; red veggies are usually packed with lycopene and anthocyanins; and allium veggies like garlic and onions are full of antioxidants (which can help protect against free radical damage to the body’s cells (and especially the skin) [41] [42].
Try It Now: Mixed Vegetable Salad Platter



With just 48 calories per cup and packed with water, this refreshing fruit makes for the perfect healthy snack mid-summer (or any time of year). It’s low in sugar, and high in vitamins A and C, as well as the amino acid citrulline, which help the body produce another amino acid, arginine. Arginine can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease [43] [44]. This melon’s also a great source of lycopene, the super-healthy essential carotenoid found in tomatoes, that studies suggest can protect the body from UV rays, cardiovascular disease, and some forms of cancer [45] [46].
Try It Now: Watermelon-Lime Ice Pops
Other W Superfoods: wheatgrass

(aka Watermelon)

Well, we’ve basically said it all. Xigua is just a specific type of the commonly known watermelon, so they have very similar (err, identical) health benefits. (Give us a break! There aren’t many foods that start with the letter X….)
Try It Now: Minted “Xigua” Salad


First, let’s get one thing straight: Yams and sweet potatoes are not the same thing (though, yes, sweet potatoes are also a superfood). These tubers are low on the glycemic index, meaning that they can be consumed without negatively affecting blood sugar levels, making them a great food to eat for sustained energy. On top of that, yams are a great source of fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese, which are key for things like proper production of serotonin, nervous system function, and wound healing [47] [48].
Try It Now: Caribbean Roasted Root Vegetable and Goat Cheese Spring Rolls


Come July and August, zucchini’s a staple on most grocery store shelves. The best part? It can be used perfectly in both sweet (think zucchini bread) and savory (think simply grilled) dishes. This green-skinned veggie is packed with vitamins C and B6, potassium, manganese, and folate. Plus, it’s low in calories (just 20 per cup!) and has a high water content, so it’s great for hydrating in the summer heat, too.
Try It Now: Zucchini Noodles with Leek-Tomato Sauce

What’s your favorite superfood? Share with us in the comments below, or start a conversation in our Greatist #foodlover community forum!